Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Next Mtg - March 23rd

In preparation for the committee's next meeting, we would like you to prepare for the discussion by reading the information on project based, problem based, and inquiry based learning. For the meeting on the 23rd we would like to discuss the pros and cons of each method.

In addition - we need to make steps to begin to organize what issues become evident if the district would take steps to create some model classrooms using one of these methods. When exploring these instructional methods, think about how you would incorporate one of the methods into your classroom. Not everything you do, but a start. We would like you to share this with the committee.

In addition from this sharing we will begin to build a listing of needed resources, modifications, materials, professional development, curriculum restructuring or other needs that become evident.


Anonymous said...

If we are going to consider doing a model class, can we do 2 classes under the same model? One in the most learning oriantated age group or grade level, and the second in the most most difficult age group or class level for learning. And I do not know what grade levels these might be but, my thinking is being able to view the data from two different groups of students for monitoring progress, does the model reach all levels of kids equally in the learning process, is there additional teachings needed for one group over the other allowing them to gain the same benifits from the program?

I know I am confussing the issues with facts and logic however, in theory, if an instuctional module is presented to students with state of the art technologies and containing the best curriculum and minimizing the variable of different teaching styles and personalities, and considering no physical issues with the student, then all students should absorb the lessons the same. And for those students who are absorbing at a lesser rate, or their understanding is not the same as the majority etc. etc. etc. My question then is Did we prepare all the student in the same manor in the lower grade or age levels,, can we be more innovative as to how we prepare our student for learning, giving them all the oppertunities possible toabsorb at the same rate.

OK, don't know if I expressed what I was trying to say well enough, but hope you get where I am comming from.

Tom Owczarek

Annie said...

Tom, I do understand what you are saying and your thoughts are valid. May I add to the discussion something I learned about at the MACUL conference...Instructional Delivery (remember the Fitzgerald Insturction Model...)has always been a view of how to deliver THE CURRICULUM with modifications for students as necessary. What if we change that view around. The students all come as they are and in a real sense are perfect. What if we dare to move from success for ALL to success for EACH--planning for accessibility for each child by manipulating the curriculum in ways the curriculum is accesible vs. the student being "accommodated" to the curriculum that is "set"? This can be done within the models presented for us to study...but taking it one step further...You propose doing two classes under the same model. Is it the model that should be questioned as valid or is it the accessibility to the curriculum by each student in the classroom, be it one or two. How can each student be provided what they need to learn. Perhaps the quest is to learn how to "hold 33 hands when the teacher has only as 2" ...