Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Interesting reading

In reading my listserv from ASCD Smartbrief ran across a couple of interesting articles. You may have to log into the newspapers that these came from - to read the entire article - but it is just a simple registration.

A New Kind of Literacy Today's students face a different world and will need a different kind of literacy and skill set. An ASCD blog post highlights of an annual conference session which explained that literacy encompasses document, technological and quantitative skills, and that when these skills are taught within real-world, meaningful contexts, students become motivated and invested in their learning. Read more.

Teachers turn to Web to connect with studentsEducators are beginning to incorporate the Internet into their lesson plans, as a growing number are finding the Web an indispensable means of connecting with the younger generation. Google recently launched "Google Teacher Academy", a free one-day program for educators who want to gain experience with Google's technology. The Sacramento Bee (Calif.) (free registration)

California school to offer podcasting classAtascadero High School near San Luis Obispo will next fall teach students to produce audio and video podcasts and publish them for the world to download. "We used to offer basic classes in keyboarding and that sort of thing," said computer science teacher Gary Bissell. "We don't offer those anymore because the basics aren't necessary. They've been using computers all their lives." The Tribune (San Luis Obispo, Calif.) (4/1)


Anonymous said...

These articles support the need for us to continue implementing strategies that keep our young people engaged in school and prepared for life/school/work beyond high school. The projects our tech focus group has selected are a step towards this engagement. Students are telling us what will help them be successful...are we ready to face the challenge and alter our approach to teaching by integrating technology within our lesson planning????

Anonymous said...

Barbara LaBeau attended a conference last weekend on podcasting. I would like more info regarding the integration of podcasting within our curriculum. Anyone else interested in learning more about podcasting??? Is this something that teachers could include in their projects?

AG said...

I am interested in learning more about podcasting in my Spanish classes.

Can someone please explain to me what was so aggregious about our state's house exploring the idea of supplying ipods for kids and Mac paying for flights to California to explore this?

Again, I think we should encourage more corporate involvement/investment in education - especially an icon like MacIntosh Computers.

Annie said...

I believe the controversy with iPODS for Michigan students is not if they should have them but whether the Michigan budget can afford it. Even now the state is looking at taking back funding via FTE's for the current year...when our budgets are already in place and we're working on budgets for next year. (UGH) In the session at MACUL with Bruce Upstead, he did state the commitment of MI to have one to one ratio with computers and Ipods are a part of this. However, it would be up to districts to deal with the funding (this is why our technology plan is so important at Fitzgerald). Technology plans provide the basis to search out ways to fund what is necessary for our students in relation to Technology. As to MAC paying for the trip...I think is just another way vendors try to get their share of educational dollars. Very often the price between business and educational dollars required for product are different...education being the higher cost. It's a business. In our quest to get the tools we need, it's important to keep the focus on what is most productive overall for learning success. ... As for MAC computers involved in education...they are. Many districts use MAC's and many have both MAC's and PC's. Both have value. Fitzgerald once had some MAC's also. However, one needs to look at cost and purpose when decisions are made as which to use where. It's all part of a bigger picture --and iPODS are not the only medium to look at... You may also want to check into the podcast training available through our MISD. Remember, you do not need an iPOD to create or listen to a podcast. From the MISD listing of the class, "Students and teachers can easily create a podcast or audio file that can be shared through a MP3 player, a CD, via the web or email, or on Blackboard."

Anonymous said...

Annie, You are correct in the state not being able to allocate funds for any technology at the present time. (I say present - because we can always hope). I do believe that there is a feeling at the State Dept. that if anyone attempts to meet with a tech company - the rumor mill starts - and there was so much bad press on the "laptops for student" - that the topic is best not to be brought to light again.

Anonymous said...

Podcasting can be an addition to instructional settings, as well as keeping parents and the community up to date on the happenings of the school district.
There is really nothing to creating a podcast - just free software - a microphone - somewhere to store it - and letting people know that it is there.
Angela - you asked about Foreign Language - actually at GVSU the foreign language department uses podcasting as a portable language lab.I thought of you - because you no longer have a language lab. They require students to have an MP3 player - and if not we will rent one to the students for the semester.
It really doesn't matter what sort of MP3 player the student has access to - some are priced as low as $40. i-Pods lead the market - over 90% of the MP3 players - because of their ease of use, quality, and iTunes distribution of podcasts.
For other subjects - well check out this hsitory teacher - New York Times article http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/31/education/31education.html?ex=1330059600&en=d837a763a5c424a3&ei=5124&partner=permalink&exprod=permalink,and the podcasts can be found here http://www.anders.com/lectures/lars_brownworth/12_byzantine_rulers/

Anonymous said...

I tried reading the article, but the link seems to no longer exist. However, after reading your comments one thought came to mind -grants. Aren't there a wide variety of grants available for resourceful teachers who wish to explore this type of technology? - Keith