Monday, February 19, 2007

Did you know...

Blog site for the orginial presentation (the one that you saw at the 1st mtg).

The Windows Media file version of "Did you know" has been removed from the www. Here is some additional info on the file - of the presenatation (it is a windows media file format), and the blog of Scott McLeod who updated the orginial.


towczarek said...

I am begining to rethink my position on Electronic devices in school. The thought of being more responcible about them by the kids gets me thinking that if they are expected to use these devices as part of our society,,, then yes ,, use them responcibly.

Unknown said...

Regarding Toms thought on electronic devices in school. If we carry a cell phone into a classroom/movie theatre/presentation or similar forum we know that we should turn it off or place it in a silent ring mode (if we remember). I have my phone with me all the time (except when I forget it :-). I take pictures of work related equipment and situations for future reference. I take audio notes for future reference. I use it to remind me of certain events for the day. Later I can use the photos in a presentation or audio notes to help complete a document. Students can learn to use the cell phone (PDA) in their environment just as most of us do in ours.

Note: My id, cagdad, stands for Caleb and Gabe Dad.

Anonymous said...

We should allow the use of electronic devices in school to support teaching and learning. This requires us to think differently about education. I look forward to more discussion about problem based and project based learning...this might be the direction to go with the use of electronic devices.

Annie said...
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Annie said...

If we stop using the tools of the real world at the school door, then what does school have to do with the world of the student? Tom uses the concept of responsibility which is critical. School is a place to make mistakes in learning. Would we rather have our students make those mistakes in the real world first? Should they learn to post on websites, take pictures with their cell phone, and chat in unsupervised scenarios without having the experience which allows them the choice of responsibility? Students are communicating and learning with electronic devices they must not use in school. And then we watch a presentation on other countries surpassing our work abilities? Now, how could that happen! We just love the control of the old school room where teachers were respected for being the most educated in the subjects they taught. It's a different world today where students must have the ability to attend to learning when the task presents novel situations and demands efficient and ethical responses for the benefit of the group. Support for learning comes from many sources, the teacher being only one of them. Electronic devices reach out to those resources we ask students to leave at the door.

Scott McLeod said...

Thanks, Annie, for the great quote! I used it here:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing such nice posts. Your blog is always fascinating to read.